
Climate Action Plan

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Our Climate Action Plan

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Salt and Bush Eco Tours

Our Climate Action Plan

As a small and new business this is our plan to work towards as we grow and develop. Our vision is to use our business as a tool for positive change for our community and our environment. Using science, technology and new resources as they become available, we will continue to change this document and adapt it make sure our plan is relevant to the need for global action.

We truly believe that our environment locally and globally is facing a human made emergency from the release of anthropogenic Green House Gases into our atmosphere.

We can’t change things alone. We are members of a wider network of Tourism Declares and The Future of Tourism helping us to ensure we are follow a global movement. We have also signed the Glasgow declaration for Climate Action in Tourism. But we need more of us to take action. So please use what you see here on this page to inspire your own climate actions.

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  • What impacts do we have as a eco-tourism business?
  • What are our GHG’s (direct emissions)
  • How much waste do we create?
  • What hidden environmental impacts are created by our business? (indirect emissions)

We will use carbon footprint calculators to develop a measure of our emissions. We will aim to have this done by March 2022.

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After we know what we emit and the impact we are having, we will then aim to target key reduction areas.

We aim to run off solar panels, and buy an electric vehicle (as soon as possible, finances are restrictive) .

These things can’t happen overnight for our business, but we will set goals and work towards reducing our emissions and footprint as much as possible ( where we can’t reduce – we will offset – see next point).

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We know as a tourism business there will be travel and emissions that we can’t avoid.

After reducing our impact, we will aim to offset through Gold Standard offsets. This allows us to empower other communities to look at better options than following in our destructive pathway of fossil fuel reliant growth. 

We will be looking at local offset projects and work on them through our Not-For-Profit Swanlandia Inc.

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Through our not for profit Swanlandia Inc. we engage with our local community to ensure that people connect to and care for our local environment for free or low cost.

We need local climate actions as much as we need global ones and education, workshops and conservation projects in our local community is one way we can empower our community to be environmental stewards.

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Think Global, Act Local!

Salt and Bush Eco Tours is a hybrid Social-Eco Enterprise: Our not-for-profit arm Swanlandia Inc. is active in community initiarives including running a Kids Nature Club through the Swanlandia Naturalist Society, native nestbox workshops, and community eco-education and citizen science events.

We as owners are active in our local community:

Coastal Waste Warriors – Commitee Member – community clean ups, waste education and reduction campaigns.

Peel Preservation Group – We are both committee members continuing the legacy from 1970 in protecting our local environment through conservation actions.

Friends of Island Point – Chairperson – protecting the biological diversity of a 70 ha reserve.

Peel Region Western Ringtail Possum Action Group – Both Commitee Members – protecting the critically endangered Western Ringtail Possum.

Mandurah Environment Advisory Group – member representing the community to assit our local government in protecting our environment.

Citizen Science in our Community – joining and sharing citizen science projects through our tours and in our own volunteer time.

We encourage others to get active locally.


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Salt and Bush Eco Tours will review our conservation and climate plan bi-annually to ensure we are meeting our goals to reduce our emissions and improve our environmental footprint.

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For more information please contact us: hello @ saltandbush.com.au



Salt and Bush Eco Tours